The Gary Null Show - 11.22.19

Published: Nov. 22, 2019, 5:59 p.m.

Gary Null Wants YOUR Help

Short Summary

Dr. Gary Null was formerly a Research Fellow at the Institute for Applied Biology for 33 years. He has conducted many dozens of experiments and clinical trials addressing the impact of lifestyle, behavior and nutrition on disease and aging processes.  He is also an award-winning documentary film director, which includes How to Live Forever, Age is Only a Number and Power Aging.

What We Need & What You Get

We will be interviewing and  filming some of North America's leading medical authorities on anti-aging. These physicians and researchers will be presented with the results of our clinical trial and provide biological contexts for their success.  Donations will help us reach these people sand professionally record and film their knowledge.

The scientific analysis of the clinical trial, direction, production, editing and filming will cost approximately $100,000.  This includes filming the participants in the clinical trial and up to 20 anti-aging specialists. The documentary will be streamed  for free over the internet.

The Impact

This clinical trial is unique and to our knowledge has never been conducted thus far.  Preliminary results from the trial have been extraordinary. All the health protocols used during the trial can easily be adopted by people in their homes.

Other Ways You Can Help

During Dr. Null's 45-year career in the health field, he has counseled and worked with tens of thousands of individuals. His focus has been on extending the quality of people's lives and reversing disease. Throughout these many years, Dr. Null has always provided health counseling without any monetary remuneration.  He has also hosted the nation's longest daily radio program on medicine and health  for over 45 years. 

This study which be available to general public for free. 

Spread the word and share with as many people as possible.