Ep. 66: The 1996 Mt. Everest Disaster

Published: Feb. 4, 2023, 6:11 p.m.

b'Imagine you just spent 10s of thousands of dollars to climb Everest. After months of intense preparation, you travel across the globe to shoot your shot at the majestic behemoth that is Everest. You get there, suffer your way all the way to the summit, only to get trapped in a blizzard on the way down. Your elation turns quickly to terror and disbelief. As you struggle to see in the white-out conditions you can only think of your family. You told them you would be careful and that everything would be okay. Now its looking like that was a lie. Unable to see anything, you attempt to take cover behind a stone in hopes that it will provide some type of protection from the 70 MPH winds.

This is the position that many climbers found themselves in during that fateful day in 1996 ...

On May 10th, during the height of the 1996 climbing season, a sudden and severe blizzard blew through Mount Everest, trapping 33 climbers in the death zone of the mountain. The result was the death of 8 climbers. What exactly took place has been hotly debated and the boyz are gonna try to get to the bottom of it. So journey back to Everest with us and enjoy this dramatic tale of courage, tradgedy, and triumph.'