Talkin' Fraud Special Episode Featuring Corwin Cole and Rob Daline from Arkowl & Alexander Hall!

Published: July 15, 2024, 7:01 a.m.

b'This special episode is brought to you by our friends at ArkOwl!\\xa0 Corwin and Rob from ArkOwl are joined by Alexander Hall for a fraud discussion about Corwin\'s approach to fraud and his unique history in the space where we cover\\n\\xa0\\n\\U0001f539 His journey from an entry-level fraud reviewer to his current influential role\\n\\U0001f539 The importance of email and phone intelligence in detecting fraud\\n\\U0001f539 His approach to training and building effective fraud teams\\n\\U0001f539 Challenges in the industry and how solutions are making a difference\\n\\U0001f539 The future developments at Arkowl, including enhanced data sources and connectivity tools\\n\\xa0\\nArkOwl is doing a give away too!\\xa0 Go to to enter the raffle to get your very own "Give Fraud the Bird" tee shirt!\\xa0 Also, until August 31st, 2024, anyone that uses code "FraudBoxer24" at checkout will get 3 free tees with your query order!\\xa0Corwin Cole:\\nRob Daline:\\nAlexander Hall:'