SMS Toll Fraud, Reverse Proxy Attacks, and Cyber Crime as a Service with Kevin Gosschalk from Arkose Labs

Published: March 17, 2023, 7:01 a.m.

b'"We are all in the security space so we should all be good citizens of good security"\\nCybersecurity and fraud are often very close but not the same and so often we only talk about the bots in our cross overs. On today\'s episode Jordan sits down with Kevin Gosschalk, the CEO and Founder of Arkose Labs, to discuss what the other current cybersecurity threats are facing the fraud prevention industry such as SMS Toll fraud and new man-in-the-middle reverse proxy exploits.\\xa0 Cybercrime-as-a-Serivce (CaaS) is bigger than ever and they even have real VC funding now!\\xa0 Learn all that is happening in this more technical episode so you know what to look for and why you might not be aware of new charges hitting your financials!\\xa0\\nDon\'t forget to use the link below to add Kevin and message him to get a discount code on an RSA full conference registration!\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nAbout Arkose Labs:\\n\\xa0\\nKevin Gosschalk:\\n\\xa0\\nAbout Kevin and Arkose:\\n"Kevin Gosschalk is the visionary founder and CEO of Arkose Labs. Since launching the company in 2016, he has been at the forefront of developing cutting-edge account security and bot management solutions that provide immediate and long-term protection against attacks. The company\'s unique approach makes it more costly for adversaries to attack consumers\' online accounts than the profit they can gain, effectively disrupting the digital commerce landscape.\\nUnder Kevin\'s leadership, Arkose Labs has achieved remarkable growth, raising over $114 million in funding and rapidly scaling its customer base and workforce. The company now counts some of the world\'s leading B2C businesses, such as Microsoft, PayPal, and Roblox, among its valued clients.\\nKevin is a proud native of Brisbane, Australia, and holds a degree in Interactive Entertainment from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He was recently recognized by QUT as its Outstanding Young Alumnus. Prior to founding Arkose Labs, Kevin worked in biomedical research, using machine vision technology for early diabetes detection, and developed technology to assist adults with intellectual differences in social settings. His diverse background has enabled him to bring a unique, disruptive perspective to the field of fraud prevention, utilizing a gamified approach."'