Upcoming Covid Episode / Veterans Warning to Wake Up!

Published: Aug. 10, 2023, 12:16 p.m.

b'If you would like to have your voice on the upcoming Covid episode, please go to thefacthunter.com, and click on "record" and leave your message up to 5 minutes. If you would like to include a longer message, create your MP3 file and email me. I will send you a link to my share drive and you can simply drag & drop your audio file, and I will be sure to include it. Feel free to send in any links to articles or audio/video clips that ressonate with you that you would like share. I will accept all input.
Email Addresses:
Website: thefacthunter.com
Call the studio with any questions: 302-526-4761
Southernprepper1 YouTube channel: