Bonus Audio: Chris Bollyn 9/11 Interview

Published: May 6, 2022, 12:03 p.m.

b'Interview from June 28th 2016. Reporter and Researcher Christopher Bollyn interviewed about September 11th Crimes on the 15th Anniversary of the False Flag Attacks in New York City.
Topics include Larry Silverstein, Urban Moving Systems, Yakobi Alexander and Odigo, Jerome Hauer, Frank Lowy, Lewis M Eisenberg, The ADL, Michael Chertoff, Operation Talpiot, Vigilant Guardian, The 9-11 Commission and the eventual coverup, The missing 2.3 Trillion, The WTC demolition, The planes used in the attacks, the israelis arrested after the attacks and much much more. Chris Bollyn also answers audience questions.
Never stop searching for the truth.'