Think Positive for Good Health With Bryan Cressey + Bonus Q&A with Dr. Neal Barnard and Dr. Michael Greger

Published: Sept. 28, 2021, 7 a.m.


A positive mindset can be ultra-important to improve your health.


Bryan Cressey, co-founder of one of the largest private equity firms in the U.S., has been vegan since 1997. He joins \\u201cThe Weight Loss Champion\\u201d Chuck Carroll to share how eating a plant-based diet for more than a quarter century has helped him excel in business as much as with his own well-being. To Bryan, the benefits begin with your personal health and spill over into other areas of your life.


Also, revisit the day that Dr. Michael Greger and Dr. Neal Barnard broke the vegan internet! Chuck dives into The Exam Room archives to revisit a special live Q&A with two of the leading voices in health and nutrition!


Dr. Barnard and Dr. Greger answer these questions from The Doctor\'s Mailbag:


-\\xa0 How many nuts should you eat every day?

-\\xa0 Can vitamin D improve the immune system?

-\\xa0 What nutrient can naturally lower estrogen?

-\\xa0 How do the nutrients in white rice differ from brown rice?

-\\xa0 Should vegans have regular blood tests to check nutrient levels?

-\\xa0 And more!

\\u2014 \\u2014 \\u2014

Bryan Cressey

Be A Winner Book:

IG: @bryancressey

\\u2014 \\u2014 \\u2014

Dr. Michael Greger

How To Survive A Pandemic Book:

Twitter: @nutrition_facts

IG: @michaelgregermd

\\u2014 \\u2014 \\u2014

Chuck Carroll

Twitter: @ChuckCarrollWLC

IG: @ChuckCarrollWLC


\\u2014 \\u2014 \\u2014

Dr. Neal Barnard

Twitter: @DrNealBarnard

IG: @DrNealBarnard


\\u2014 \\u2014 \\u2014

Physicians Committee

Twitter: @PCRM

IG: @PhysiciansCommittee


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Barnard Medical Center

Schedule Appointment:

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