The Globalists Want Open Borders

Published: March 18, 2024, 9:05 p.m.

b'The United Nations is trying to grab control of worldwide immigration policies. At the heart of the immigration border disaster is the United States\\u2019 compliance with the provisions of the Global Compact on Migration. I\\u2019ll provide all the details from a prophetic perspective on this edition of the Endtime Show!\\n---------------\\n\\U0001f4da: Check out\\xa0Jerusalem Prophecy College Online\\xa0for less than $60 per course:\\xa0\\n\\U0001f4f1: It\\u2019s never been easier to understand. Stream\\xa0Endtime+\\xa0and access exclusive content:\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\U0001f3e5: Try\\xa0Hope Health Share, an affordable, alternative solution:\\xa0\\n\\u2615\\ufe0f: First Cup Coffee:\\xa0use code ENDTIME to get 10% off:\\xa0\\n\\u2b50\\ufe0f: Birch Gold:\\xa0Claim your free info kit on gold:\\xa0\\n\\U0001f374Ready Pantry:\\xa0\\xa0and save an extra 10% off your entire order + FREE shipping on all orders\\xa0(use code \\u201cENDTIME\\u201d).\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'