Better or Worse Customer Loyalty? XCIII 5-Minute Lunch Lesson The Digital Brownbag - The Doctor of DigitalTM

Published: Sept. 8, 2021, 2:05 a.m.

b'Being proactive takes a great deal of courage, foresight, and willingness to listen to a business\\u2019 greatest exterior asset: its customers. From the previous examples, it is clear that Blockbuster didn\\u2019t listen to the marketplace at all and faded away. Blackberry took stock of what the market was telling them. But they chose to ignore the feedback they were receiving in favor of what their designers believed the marketplace needed. Netflix watched the marketplace and took action. It wasn\\u2019t easy: they initially lost market share, customers, and prestige in the eyes of the investment community. However, Netflix stuck to their plan and came out on the other side as a massive winner. All because they listened to the people who were buying their product.

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