#198~ November 13, 2022: "Was The Murder Of Lee Oswald A Mob Hit?", With Guests H.L. ARLEDGE & TED RUBINSTEIN.

Published: Nov. 13, 2022, 9:37 p.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE~ We\'re focusing in on the man who assassinated The Hapless Patsy Lee Oswald~ Chicago native & Dallas mob associate Jack Ruby~ with not one, but TWO Learned & Distinguished guests: Our old friend TED RUBINSTEIN, AND Noted & Respected True Crime Author & Journalist H.L. ARLEDGE ( From Bayoujustice.com , and author of the new book "Dirty Phenix: Birth Of The Dixie Mafia").
Mr. H.L.\'s wheelhouse is Organized Crime History, and especially the history of The Mob in The Dirty South. This specialized knowledge comes in handy as H.L., Ted and myself undertake a deep dive into the long-distance phone contacts of Jack Ruby from May-thru-November of 1963.
Using an obscure diagram generated by the HSCA, we will-- one by one-- look at the individuals who had long-distance telephone contact with Ruby in the months leading up to the JFK Assassination. To a man, they have one heavy thing in common: The Mafia.
We\'ll look at who they were, where they were, who- and- what they were connected to, their relationships with Ruby, and we\'ll try to discern any patterns we can identify. When did Ruby get the order to hit Oswald? Who gave this order? Was it a mob hit, or CIA-ordered?
What kinds of pressures were bearing down on Ruby during those desperate months? Were his motives for accepting the contract on Oswald financial ,patriotic, or simply born of fear?
PLUS, H.L. shares a bombshell from his new book: a lead on a heretofore unknown New Orleans resident who knew Oswald in New Orleans~ a lead that is not only new to the Assassination Research Community, but was given to H.L.... by Jim Garrison himself.

*Written & Hosted By Doug Campbell
*Produced By Curato "Little Momo" Scaranucci, Jr. for Drop-D Podcast Productions.

"Agenda", by Galactic Cowboys.
"Stay Frosty", by Van Halen.
"TV Dinners", by ZZ Top.'