#183~ May 21, 2021: "This Thing Of Ours: A Discussion Regarding Research & Study Of The JFK Assassination", With Alan Dale.

Published: May 21, 2021, 3:41 p.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE~ Alan Dale is BACK! After the huge positive response to his appearance here back in January, I knew we had to get him back to the table for more conversation sooner than later, and he did not disappoint. Among the topics covered in this wide-ranging conversation:
Alan\'s new book, "the Devil Is In The Details"; Alan\'s work with Dr, John Newman; The extremely nuanced nature of the Framing Of Lee Oswald; Different ways of thinking of Oswald as an "intelligence asset"; Hitting the "Research Wall\', and overcoming burnout; Oswald in Mexico City; the struggle against Confirmation Bias, our mutual intolerance for so-called "researchers" who just make sh*t up, and MUCH, MUCH MORE.
Written & Hosted By Doug Campbell
A Drop-D Podcast Production
"Fear Not", by Galactic Cowboys
"Mescalero", by ZZ Top'