#178~December 18, 2020: "Maybe Connected, Maybe Not: More Strange Stories From The JFK Files."

Published: Dec. 18, 2020, 3:05 p.m.

b'IN THIS EPISODE~ One thing we do not have a shortage of when researching the Assassination is rifles, and stories of different rifles. From Roger Craig\'s "7.65 Mauser" in the Texas School Book Depository to the alleged-by-the official-cover-up-murder weapon~the junk Manlicher Carcano~to rifles that turn up in the official record and then simply vanish. We will examine here the strange tale of another 7.65mm Mauser that turned up abandoned in a hotel room in Indiana just days after the JFK Hit, completely disassembled and wiped clean of prints.
Plus, we\'ll shift gears and follow a lead given to New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison by Ramparts Magazine and a Mexican journalist during Garrison\'s investigation of Kennedy\'s murder. While possibly not connected to the Assassination, it\'s a fascinating "Deep-Cover" tale of CIA, intrigue and murder that culminates~AFTER being brought to Garrison\'s attention~in what may have been the most daring and brazen prison break of the 20th Century.
Written & Hosted by Doug Campbell
A Drop-D Podcast Production
* " \'Cause We Believed (Blame It)", by Ty Tabor
* "We\'re Not Alone", by Peeping Tom
* "I Need You Tonight", by ZZ Top'