#135~ July 27, 2018: "DECLASSIFIED: The Jim Braden/Edgar Eugene Bradley Connections."

Published: July 27, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

b'ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW #135 HAS UPLOADED. CLICK HERE https://www.spreaker.com/\\u2026/135-july-27-2018-declassified-th\\u2026 TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD FREE.
IN THIS EPISODE~ Braden. Brading. Bradley. Three names, two individuals. Both connected to The JFK Hit, both with shady pasts prior to it, and both with things to hide in the aftermath.
Here, we will examine a fascinating Newly Released Document dealing with both individuals. Not a document generated by the Federal Government, but rather a report summing up a single investigation of both men conducted by the Los Angeles Police Department\'s Intelligence Division over a decade *after* The Assassination, shedding new light on shady links, such as Jim Braden (AKA Eugene H. Brading)\'s connection to George DeMohrenschildt & Ruth and Michael Paine, to Ultra-Rightist Edgar E. Bradley\'s clandestine meeting with Gerald Hemming in California in 1968...3 months prior to the RFK Hit.