#127~ March 4, 2018: "Distant Early Warnings: The Strange Tales Of Eugene Dinkin & David Christensen."

Published: March 4, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

b'ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW #127 HAS UPLOADED! CLICK HERE https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/the-dallas-action_43 TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD FREE.
In the Narrative of The Assassination, there are several examples of individuals either displaying prior knowledge of the crime, or claiming to have had prior knowledge. In #127, we\'ll examine two examples of United States Military Personnel who fit into this category: The well known case of Army PFC. Eugene Dinkin, and the much-lesser-known story of an Air Force Security Service Veteran whose claims were shrouded in mystery, and the newly released NSA Documents that researcher David Boylan uncovered, that shed some light on the tale.