#123~ December 10, 2017: "The SUNRISE Deception: Angleton, Nazis, And Army Intelligence", With Michael Swanson.

Published: Dec. 10, 2017, 8:22 p.m.

b'ATTENTION ALL HANDS! ALL-NEW #123 HAS UPLOADED! CLICK HERE: https://www.spreaker.com/user/7338953/the-dallas-action_23 TO LISTEN/DOWNLOAD FREE! IN THIS EPISODE:
Author/Historian Michael Swanson ("The War State") is back on the show to dive deep into the archives of History for a "prequel" of sorts to our recent episode involving a showdown between James J. Angleton and a shady network of Army Intelligence Assets.
We\'ll travel back to 1946 to gain more insight into this Cold War Dynamic, and relate a tale of Nazi Collaborators, dealing, double-dealing, war crimes and Trickery.