93 - The Intouchables

Published: Oct. 11, 2019, 9:20 a.m.



00:03:06 - 00:50:08 Contrarians Corner (#CC)

00:50:09 - 00:51:49 French Travolta

00:51:50 - 01:21:08 Real Talk

01:21:09 - 01:29:50 Plugs and bye-byes


- Listen to SONGS WITH FRIENDS! Watch THE CONCESSIONAIRES MUST DIE! Doesn\\u2019t Alex have the coolest friends?

- Watch RESTORATION! Because Julio also has cool friends!

- As usual during this time of the year, it\\u2019s time to start getting ready for the OTHER WORLDS AUSTIN SCI-FI FILM FESTIVAL! If you can be in Austin on December 5-8, you should get a badge and meet Alex and Julio over there!

- Hans Rothgiesser, the man behind our logo, can be reached at @mildemonios on Twitter or you can email him at mildemonios@hotmail.com in case you ever need a logo (or comics) produced. And you can listen to him talk about Peruvian politics on his own podcast, NACION COMBI. Aaaaand you can also check out all the stuff he\\u2019s written on his own website. Don\\u2019t know Spanish? He also did a podcast in English called LIVING IN PERU, about immigrants in - where else - Per\\xfa.

Up next, we check out what the good ol\\u2019 USA did when it got its hands on Dris and Phillippe, as we tackle THE UPSIDE! Until then, let us know how you feel about The Intouchables! Is it an accurate representation of France? Who won the Mind Games Tournament? Did you stop watching when you realized you had to read subtitles? E-mail us at wearethecontrarians@gmail.com or tweet at us or facebook us and share your thoughts!
