67 - Be Cool

Published: Sept. 1, 2018, 7:44 a.m.



00:00:00 - 00:39:53 Contrarians Corner (#CC)

00:39:54 - 00:41:05 The one cool moment in Be Cool

00:41:06 - 01:11:55 Real Talk

01:11:56 - 01:21:54 Plugs (spoilers for A Quiet Place) and bye-byes

01:22:26 - 01:22:36 Paparazzi?


- Alex is way behind on showing A QUIET PLACE some love. Better late than never!

- By now, the EPIC FILM GUYS episode about MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT has been out for a few weeks. Julio is still a big part of it. So find it, listen to it, enjoy it - and tell your friends! (and tell the Epic Film Guys, so maybe they\'ll invite us back).

- I\'d be surprised if you can find UNFRIENDED: DARK WEB playing anywhere these days, but if you do, don\'t hesitate and go watch it! If not, check it out as soon as it hits streaming.

- Hans Rothgiesser, the man behind our logo, can be reached at @mildemonios on Twitter or you can email him at mildemonios@hotmail.com in case you ever need a logo (or comics) produced. And you can listen to him talk about Peruvian politics on his own podcast, NACION COMBI.

Up next, THE TRAVOLTIES! We\'ll wrap up The Summer Of Travolta with an Awards Ceremony worthy of the past four months. Until then, please rate/review/subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, Spotify, you know the drill. And let us know what you think about BE COOL. Does it sully the legacy of GET SHORTY or improve on it? E-mail us at wearethecontrarians@gmail.com or tweet at us or facebook us. Get your tuxes ready!
