The Contracting Experience - Episode 50: Education With Industry

Published: Nov. 20, 2023, 4:55 p.m.

b'In this episode, we sit down with Capt. Alicia Binggeli, Heather Carino, and Capt. Oleksandr Bakuta who are Air Force contracting professionals who have completed Education with Industry (EWI) fellowships. Alicia, Heather, and Oleksandr share their experiences working with 8VC, SpaceX, and Intel Capital. They each discuss what they found impactful during their EWI fellowships as well as how contracting professionals can start applying their lessons learned today. \\n\\nAcronyms:\\nEWI \\u2013 Education with Industry\\nI2I \\u2013 Insights to Industry\\nRFP \\u2013 Request for Proposal\\nRFI \\u2013 Request for Information\\nDAU \\u2013 Defense Acquisition University\\nNSIN \\u2013 National Security Innovation Network\\nVC \\u2013 Venture Capital\\n\\nIf you would like to share feedback on the podcast, please submit via\\n\\nRegister at to access transcripts of the podcast.'