The Contracting Experience - Episode 10: Air Force Contracting Roundtable

Published: Feb. 21, 2019, 2:39 p.m.

b'This episode broke a record for the number of guests on The Contracting Experience podcast at one time! We sit-down with Air Force Contracting\\u2019s top leaders to discuss their outlook on Maj. Gen. Holt\\u2019s Contracting Flight Plan and provide additional insight into how the four "Lines Of Effort" will be executed. We also have a little fun talking craziest acquisitions and what our Air Force leaders wish they would have known when they started out in contracting. \\n\\nThe Air Force leaders featured in this episode are as follows:\\n\\nMaj. Gen. Cameron Holt \\u2013 Deputy Assistant Secretary for Contracting, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics\\nScott Kiser \\u2013 Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary of Contracting for headquarters U.S. Air Force\\nTom Robinson \\u2013 Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Director of Contracts\\nHeidi Bullock \\u2013 Air Force Materiel Command Director of Contracts\\nRenee Richardson \\u2013 Representing Brig Gen Ali Trevino as Air Force Installation Contracting Agency Commander\\nDavid Block \\u2013 Space and Missile Systems Center Director of Contracting (Acting)\\nCol. Tom Ficklin \\u2013 Rapid Capabilities Office Director of Contracting (Acting)\\nChief Master Sgt. Larry Conger \\u2013 Chief, Enlisted Policy for SAF/AQC\\n\\nKeep an eye out for the Air Force Contracting Flight Plan when it is released to the workforce!\\n\\nIf you would like to share feedback on the podcast, please submit via'