The Holy She, Part 1

Published: Jan. 16, 2024, 8 a.m.

b"Did a cross-dressing woman manage to worm her way into the papacy, and was she discovered when she gave birth on the street? Lots of people believe and have believed in the Legend of Pope Joan. We're taking a two part dive into the history.\\nCheck out:\\\\xa0now to start hiring\\nVisit\\xa0our\\xa0Patreon here. You too can get ad-free, early episodes, starting now!\\u200b\\u200b\\nBUY OUR MERCH, YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!\\nThe Constant is part of the\\xa0Airwave Media\\xa0podcast network.\\u200b\\u200b\\n\\u200b\\u200bInterested in advertising on The Constant? Email\\\\xa0to get on board!\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"