
Published: July 12, 2022, 7 a.m.

b'After every American mass shooting, the gun debate is drowned in one question: What about Chicago? Today, we\'re answering it.\\n"How the A.T.F., Key to Biden\\u2019s Gun Plan, Became an N.R.A. \\u2018Whipping Boy\\u2019" -NYT\\n"The ATF\\u2019s Nonsensical Non-Searchable Gun Databases, Explained" -The Trace\\nUniversity of Chicago Firearms Reports\\nIllinois 2020 Firearms Trace Data\\nGiffords 2019 Memo on ATF\\n"How the NRA Hobbled the ATF" - Mother Jones\\n"The ATF: A Portrait of an Impotent Bureau" -Washington Monthly\\nGiffords\' explainer of Tiahrt Amendments\\nEverytown Gun Trace Reform Proposal\\nMurder and Gun Homicides by City\\n"Their Guns Fueled Chicago Crime. When They Broke the Law, The ATF Went Easy" -The Trace\\n"How the NRA became ATF\'s biggest enemy" -SF Gate\\nPascrell, Leahy Gun Tracing Bill\\nQuigley Trace Act\\nLee, Menendez Gun Record Bill\\n\\nWant 15% off an annual subscription to MasterClass? Go here:\\n\\nHow about a free fourteen day trial of Shopify?\\xa0Grab it here!\\nGet $75 credit to upgrade your job post at\\\\nGet 10% off your first month of online counseling by visiting:\\n\\nVisit\\xa0our\\xa0Patreon here.\\u200b\\n\\u200bBUY OUR MERCH, YOU FILTHY ANIMALS!\\nThe Constant is part of the\\xa0Airwave Media\\xa0podcast network.\\u200b\\n\\u200bInterested in advertising on The Constant? Email\\\\xa0to get on board!\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'