"Plandemic" & Ancient Antarctic Civilizations

Published: Dec. 6, 2021, 4 a.m.

b'"PLANDEMIC" THE MOVIE/ WILL HILLARY BE INSTALLED AS PRESIDENT?\\n\\nRichard welcomes the documentary filmmaker behind the most banned and censored documentary series in history, Plandemic and Plandemic, and Plandemic 2: Indoctrination. Then, Richard speaks with a syndicated talk-radio host about his prediction that the Democrats are planning to push President Biden aside and install Hillary Clinton as President before the next presidential election in 2024.\\n\\nGuest:\\xa0Mikki Willis\\xa0is the founder of Elevate; a production company on a mission, Elevate is one of the most prolific creators of socially conscious media. As a filmmaker he has been granted rare access into the minds and hearts of world re-known philosophers, scientists, physicists, doctors, authors, shamans, and human development experts. As a director he has helmed numerous award winning and record setting productions, including theatrical features, network television specials, commercials, and music videos for platinum artists.\\n\\n?\\n\\nGuest:\\xa0Wayne Allen Root\\xa0is a bestselling Conservative author, syndicated columnist, \\xa0former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and host of Wayne Allen Root - Raw and Unfiltered on the US Radio Network.\\n\\n?\\n\\nBOOKS:\\nPlandemic: Fear is the Virus. Truth is the Cure\\nThe Great Patriot and Protest Book\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nANCIENT ANTARCTIC CIVILIZATIONS, LITTLE PEOPLE AND BIGFOOT\\n\\nRichard welcomes a journalist and founder of an alternative news website to discuss recent discoveries using Google Earth of what appear to be ancient cities emerging from beneath the frozen ice in Antarctica.\\xa0 She also discuss the latest reports of sightings of legendary Little People and Bigfoot.\\n\\n?\\n\\nGuest:\\xa0Mary Joyce has worked for two major metropolitan newspapers - The Orlando Sentinel in Florida as an artist and columnist, and The Oakland Press in Michigan as a Sunday magazine editor and then feature editor. On the side, she\\u2019s written magazine articles and books. Since 2008, she has been the main researcher and editor for the Sky Ships Over Cashiers website which features a wide variety of cutting-edge topics \\u2013 from UFOs to secret underground bases; from Bigfoot to Cherokee Little People.\\n\\nMary has gone from investigating mob stories in Detroit, including Jimmy Hoffa\\u2019s death, to interviewing people with the highest top-secret clearances about clandestine government activities. She even has had face-to-face interviews with a whistleblower with Cosmic Top-Secret clearance who once worked within the top tier of the infamous international cabal.\\n\\n?\\n\\nBOOKS:\\n\\nUnderground Military Bases Hidden in North Carolina Mountains\\n\\nCherokee Little People Were Real\\n\\nTangible evidence of Jesus left behind for us\\n\\nBIGFOOT - Beyond the footprints\\n\\n?\\nListen live every Sunday at 11pm on Zoomer Radio'