
Published: May 16, 2017, 12:37 p.m.

PART ONE - REPTILIAN CONQUEST\nRichard welcomes the lead investigator from the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP). NICAP is one of the most prestigious organization in the world investigating UFO phenomena. They will discuss the theory that Shapeshifting Reptilian aliens have control of the planet Earth enslaving humanity through politics and war while replacing the population with hybrids. \n\nPART TWO - MILLIONS AGAINST MONSANTO\nRichard welcomes the organizer of the March Against Monsanto- Toronto Chapter to be held May 20 this year. Hear how a monopoly on the food supply is a form of asymmetrical warfare and total control of the human population and how the groceries are being contaminated with Genetically Modified Organisims. \n\nPART THREE - PARANORMAL NEWS ROUNDUP\nRichard welcomes back our regular paranormal pundit to the program. Reptilians posing as human, foods being gentically modified to suit the taste of alien hybrids hell bent on enslaving the human population. Unexplained paranormal phenomenon abounds. We ask Rosemary for the Solutions.