
Published: Nov. 30, 2016, 12:11 p.m.

b'PART ONE \\u2013 JFK ANNIVERSARY\\nRichard welcomes a published author who draws startling new conclusions into why President JFK had to be eliminated. A generation after his passing we see a United States where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. JFK\\u2019s Civil Rights Movement would have levelled the playing field for all citizens, had it come to fruition. Consolidation of wealth put power into the hands of the Globalists. Unimaginable salaries and bonuses for the One Percent, contrasted by layoffs and reduced pay for the majority of the workforce, along with increasing calls for austerity measures and lowered standards of living. More and more people are starting to understand that the system is rigged against them. Welcome to the \\u201cNew Normal\\u201d in America.\\nPART TWO \\u2013 UFO DISCLOSURE\\nRichard welcomes two notable UFO/ET Disclosure advocates to discuss whether the US military is now interested in ET Disclosure.\\n\\nPART THREE \\u2013 OPEN LINES\\nAsk Richard Anything!'