
Published: Sept. 15, 2016, 2:37 p.m.

b'CHEMTRAILS AND HAARPRichard interviews Eleana Freeland, an\\xa0independent researcher and writer who sifts through the confusion surrounding chemtrails-versus-contrails and how extreme weather is being "geo-engineered" to\\xa0enrich disaster capitalists and intimidate nations.PART TWO - THE COMING ICE AGERichard speaks with science writer, \\xa0Robert\\xa0Felix\\xa0who warns a new ice age may already be upon us. He cites as evidence, an 11,500 year cycle (related to the Earth\'s rotational axis) in which ice ages lasting from 1,000 to 5,000 years occur like "clockwork." He suggests that extremes in weather patterns, such as the recent record breaking series of tornadoes, could be signs of the impending change.'