
Published: Sept. 15, 2016, 2:37 p.m.

b'EMP THREATRichard speaks with security analyst F. Michael Maloof\\xa0to discuss the threat of an electromagnetic pulse event capable of knocking the North American electrical grid offline. Then, a preparedness expert will discuss how to prepare for both natural and manmade catastrophes.PART TWO - HOW TO PREPARE FOR DISASTERRichard welcomes \\xa0preparedness expert Stan Deyo\\xa0 to discuss how to prepare for both natural and manmade catastrophes, such as earthquakes, nuclear war,\\xa0EMP events, and\\xa0a longterm disruption in\\xa0the delivery\\xa0of essential services.\\xa0 What type of catastrophe is most likely to affect your area? How can you shield important electronics from an EMP event?\\xa0 What items should you stockpile in order to keep you and your family safe?'