
Published: Sept. 15, 2016, 2:35 p.m.

b"TRANSHUMANISM PT. 2Richard welcomes a visual artist, media designer and futurist, Natasha Vita-More, to discuss the international cultural and intellectual movement known as transhumanism. Transhumanists seek to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities through emerging technologies.PART TWO - BACKSTAGE IN THE GLOBAL THEATRERichard is joined by Joel Skousen, the editor/publisher of an alternative news analysis to discuss the ongoing globalist conspiracy to undermine national sovereignty, and to create wars and other provocations that will justify a dimunition of civil liberties. Joel Skousen discusses the state of the U.S. Economy: How bad is it? L.A. Police Getting into Warrantless Spying and Drones; Non-Law Enforcement Agencies Buying Weapons and Ammo.PART THREE - STATE SECRETSRichard is joined by The Conspiracy Show's resident media scientist, Nelson Thall, who delivers his bi-weekly newscast of stories garnered from sources inside the intelligence community. Pivotal Proof of Geo-Engineering; Who is Assassinating World Bankers? Rise of the Insect Drones; The Bilderberg Plan to Obliterate Humanity..."