
Published: Sept. 15, 2016, 12:06 p.m.

b"Past Life RegressionRichard welcomes Zoomer Radio's very own George Jonescu, host of Big Band Sunday Night. George will be placed under hypnosis live on the air as part of an ongoing series of paranormal experiments regarding reincarnation. Certified Hypnotherapist, Debbie Papadakis will regress George and help guide him back through time where he will experience memories from a previous life. Who was George before he was George? Early 20th century crooner, 18th century Russian novelist ,left-handed pitching legend with the Brooklyn Robins, famous Renaissance painter? Tune in and find out!Part II: State SecretsRichard speaks with media scientist, intelligence analyst and researcher Nelson Thall. Thall shares information he's received from his sources inside the intelligence community on a number of news stories, including the Costa Concordia disaster. The enormous yacht cruise tipped over off the coast of TuscanyThirteen people have been confirmed dead in the accident Jan. 13 when the Concordia rammed a reef and sliced its hull with 4,200 on board. Nineteen are known missing.Nelson will also share some shocking news from the world of entertainment: According to his sources inside the CIA/FBI and Secret Service, the legendary King of Pop, Michael Jackson, is alive and living in Dubai!"