SciFest in St. Louis

Published: Sept. 30, 2018, 4:13 p.m.

b"Will and David recently attended SciFest: Rock, Fossil, Quake! This was an event held at the St. Louis Science Center in collaboration with the Washington University School of Medicine.\\nThe event brought scientists and science enthusiasts face-to-face to talk about geology, earthquakes, and - most exciting for us - fossils (mostly dinosaurs)!\\nIn this episode, we recount some of our impressions and favorite parts of the event, and include interviews with six dinosaur paleontologists who attended the event. You'll hear from:\\nDr. Ashley Morhardt, Washington University Dr. Andy Farke, Raymond Alf Museum Dr. Denver Fowler, Badlands Dinosaur MuseumDr. Casey Holliday, University of MissouriDr. Liz Freedman Fowler, Dickinson State UniversityJosh Matthews, Burpee MuseumHuge thanks to all of the above - and everyone else involved in the event - for a fun day of science outreach!\\nCheck out our blog for bonus info and pictures:\\nFollow and Support us on: Patreon: Twitter: Facebook: iTunes:\\nThe Intro and Outro music is \\u201cOn the Origin of Species\\u201d by Protodome. More music like this at"