Episode 69 "Rande Moss" Eating Psychology Coach/ Recovering From Eating Disorders/ Free Spirit Academy Podcast

Published: June 17, 2018, 7:19 a.m.

b'In this weeks episode I sit down with eating psychology coach Rande Moss! Rande comes from a disfunctional eating past and shares her story of recovery and balance. Our relationship to food is extremely important when it comes to overall health and well-being! Rande suffered with binge eating among other things and turned her life around to pursue a career in eating psychology. We talked about creating healthy habits and allowing self-love and acceptance to nourish us mentally during times of struggle. We talked about the roll of social media and how that creates eating disorders!...... www.randemoss.com...... email: randerae@gmail.com...... Follow me RAW FOOD FOOT SOLDIER: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram..... For an Iridology analysis and herbal/enzyme recommendation Email: rawfoodfootsoldier@gmail.com..... Be sure to subscribe and leave a review on iTunes!... www.rawvolution.com.. Promo code: alive/for $10 off.... www.iridoligyonline.com...'