Episode 61 "Michael Perrine" Certified Colon Hydro Therapist, Detoxification Consultant And Host Of The Everyday Detox Podcast

Published: April 5, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

b'This week on the podcast Michael Perrine! Mike is certified in holistic health and colon hydro therapy and is also the host of the "Everyday Detox Podcast". Mike has extensive experience with gut health, detoxification, raw foods and nutrition! We discussed his unhealthy younger years and his transition into a more mindful lifestyle. We also talked about his work with clients as a colon therapist and how important the gut microbiome plays in our overall health and well being! Mike gives his thoughts about mucoid plaque and parasites. We also talk briefly talk about Arnold Ehret and his teachings having a influence on Mikes views. It was a great conversation and I hope you guys enjoy!..... Follow mike on Youtube, Instagram: @everydaydetox..... Connect with mike on Facebook:@Michael Perrine/ www.vitalitynewyorkcity.com..... Follow me RAW FOOD FOOT SOLDIER: Facebook, Youtube, Instagram.... Email :rawfoodfootsoldier@gmail.com..... Support the podcast at Patreon/RAW FOOD FOOT SOLDIER..... Be sure to subscribe and leave a itunes review!..... April 5th documentary "Eating you alive".'