re: the world

Published: June 14, 2020, 7:29 p.m.

Hey, gang. No new episode this week--there's obviously a lot going on in the world, and I was already having brain issues on top of it, so instead we're going to take a second to encourage everyone to do what you can to help move the world in the right direction.

Right now, people around the world are protesting the deaths of unarmed black folks at the hands of the police. George Floyd and Breonna Taylor are just the tip of the iceburg. If you're unable to be in the streets right now, there' s still a lot you can do, from donating to bail funds, to signing petitions, to making sure your elected representatives know where you stand. We're going to put some links in the show notes, but we're hardly authoritative-take a look online and you can find endless ways, both locally and nationally, to offer your support.

And don't forget that while all this is going on, the Trump administration, in an effort to be just as monstrous as humanly possible, has rescinded protections that allowed transgender people equal access to healthcare in America.

So there's no shortage of places where your time, attention, and resources are needed--and even if, like me, you have very little to offer in those departments, there are a million tiny ways you can help. Do what you can. Support the people you love, support people you've never met, and keep yourselves safe.


National Bail Fund Directory:

More bail funds:

Black Trans Protesters Emergency Fund:

Homeless Black Trans Women fund:

Prism Pals For Justice - fundraiser for The Bail Project:

Cops & Racists - essay by game designer Mike Pondsmith, with links to charity bundles:

NAACP Legal Defense Fund: