Patreon Changes!

Published: April 22, 2020, 7:52 p.m.

Hey, gang! As we've mentioned a couple times, we're making some changes to our Patreon, and I wanted to take just a couple quick minutes to go over what we're doing and why.

We had originally intended to slowly ramp up our Patreon rewards so we'd have several different regular monthly things, but last year turned out to be a total mess for me, specifically, and then this year has turned out to be a total mess for everyone, everywhere, so all those plans got mucked up.

So rather than try and get tangled up making specific, scheduled content for specific committed tiers at a time when so much is up in the air, what we're doing is switching to a pay-what-you-want model, and giving all patrons access to all the stuff, as soon as it's ready to go. So for a dollar a month, you'll have access to everything, but if you feel like the show is worth more to you, and you've got the cash, and you want to make sure we can keep going, you can donate as much as you'd like. We'll also be setting some new goals, so you can see what we're building towards.

This system also allows us to bring you more and different kinds of content without having to commit to a regular schedule, which was proving to be a bit of a road block. So we'll still be posting behind-the-scenes material like character write-ups and system breakdowns, but we'll also some art and audio stuff! We've already recorded a stand-alone game of The Quiet Year that'll go up as soon as the editing's done, and we'll be doing our first of several art polls, where patrons will be able to vote for a character they'd like to see drawn by our own Eisner-award-winning Braden Lamb!

These changes will be rolling out shortly, or, if you're hearing this later down the line, they already have, because that's how time works! Thank you all so much for supporting us, or thinking about supporting us, or just for listening, and we'll see you back here in, uh, less than two weeks, for the debut of Gallows Hill.