1.10 [Old Bones] The Old Ones

Published: Nov. 13, 2017, 1:46 a.m.

(Last Resort, part 3 of 3)

What began as a job and progressed into a heist has now evolved into a full-blown caper as the crew crashes headlong into the mystical defenses of the Cathedral Order.

Meanwhile, in the background, enemies from the past begin to creep into the present.


Current XP Goals

Team: 1) Make a connection with a new contact, resource provider, or even a friend.

2) Team goal not chosen, whups!

Dang: 1) Wear a tuxedo

2) Defy a direct order from an authority figure

Ra’lethe: 1) See him solve a problem using The Law.

2) Overcome a physical confrontation with words instead of lasers.

Cidra: 1) Form a significant relationship with an NPC (not necessarily positive).

2) Show us something she's emotionally invested in.

Theron: 1) Share one of the dreams he records in his dream log.

2) Theron is influenced by traditional Ailuroi understanding of gender roles.

Molly: 1) Get another team member excited about a bit of Earth culture

2) Hybridize something.


Music by Matt Weber



Find us online at:






Josh Hall-Bachner: https://twitter.com/charlequin

Braden Lamb: http://twitter.com/bradenlamb

Jeffrey Bard: https://www.ashesofcreation.com/

Kacey Smith: [stand in front of a mirror at midnight and call her name three times]

Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson: http://www.firstparishbeverly.org/spiritual/ministers-page/

Vin LaBate: http://twitter.com/mrreciprocity and also http://twitter.com/rarecandypod