Giorgia Meloni Won In Italy, Is Fascism On The Rise In Europe?

Published: Oct. 3, 2022, 4:10 a.m.

b"Not really, unless you count her winning 26% of the vote, in a country with 65 governments since WW2 - closer to one a year than two - where 74% of Italian voters didn't vote for her and where AT LEAST three parties are needed to form government at any one time. Especially so when you factor in that Italians voted for economic reasons above all else, including right wing populism - with the blow back from the unending war in Ukraine causing parts of the country to register 20% plus now living in poverty. But that does not mean it should be ignored, fascism rarely rises with majority support and in both Sweden and Italy, immigration is a problem the left and centre ignore or delegitimize at their peril."