Episode 405: Cruz, Biden, and MarioKart

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 8:53 p.m.


Joe Biden should play more MarioKart and Ted Cruz should have gone to Mexico. Why not? The more Biden is out of the executive office the fewer executive orders he can sign. Likewise, Ted Cruz had no role in the power failure in Texas and was not responsible for getting the lights back on or turning on the water. Going to Mexico created bad optics, but Cruz couldn\'t do anything about the situation and didn\'t need to stick around. Alexandria Ocascio-Cortez capitalized on the situation by raising money for people affected by the winter storms, but his was not something the general government had a role in solving, though you could make a case it had a role in creating. Either way, the less time a president or a congressman spends "working" the more liberty we will have. I discuss this in Episode 405 of The Brion McClanahan Show.







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