Ep. 564: A War Over the "History of Slavery"?

Published: Jan. 13, 2022, 2:21 p.m.


GQ Magazine thinks America is at war over "the history of slavery", at least that is what author and "historian" Clint Smith argues. You see, Smith believes that America has long lied about the history of slavery, meaning that most Americans have never been taught the "truth" about slavery. By the "truth," Smith means the abolitionist positions on the institution before the War. This would be laughable if it wasn\'t so stupid. No one has ever read "Uncle Tom\'s Cabin", or seen the picture of "Whipped Peter", or heard that John Brown was a hero. Nope. They only get the proslavery arguments and nothing else. But Smith unknowingly admits what this war is really about: power. It\'s always been so.







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