Your Questions About Sex: Episode 818

Published: Oct. 5, 2023, 6 a.m.


Ways to be a good gift giver, plus a sex Q&A with Dr. Juli Slattery, and is a second date recommended if the first one didn\\u2019t go well?\\xa0


Featured musical artist: \\xa0 Ginny Owens \\xa0\\xa0


Roundtable: Creative Gift Giving


Yes, Christmas is coming, but you don\\u2019t have to wait until the holidays to learn how to give good gifts. Even if gifts isn\\u2019t your love language, you\\u2019ll be inspired by this conversation to be more generous and creative in blessing others. Our guests share their gift-giving and -receiving experiences, what gifts have meant a lot to them and why, and how to think out of the box when considering gifts for friends, family and everyone in between.


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Culture: Dr. Juli Slattery Answers Questions About Sex


We asked you to submit your questions about sex and sexuality, and this week Dr. Juli Slattery is here to answer them. Offering clinical expertise, biblical wisdom and practical application, Juli answers questions including: how to talk about sex when you\\u2019re engaged to be married, how to navigate a relationship with someone who has a sexual past, sexuality and singleness, loving your LGBT friends while affirming God\\u2019s design, and more.


Rethinking Sexuality: God\\u2019s Design and Why It Matters


Article: What\\u2019s the Purpose of Sexuality if I\\u2019m Single

Article: Promise Rings and Purity Talks Aren\\u2019t Enough

Article: Is It OK to Masturbate?


Inbox: Should I Try a Second Date?


If a first date didn\\u2019t go well, should you give a second one a chance? How do you know if it\\u2019s worth it? Counselor Angel Perez weighs in.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0


Link to Counseling Services\\xa0
