Transgender Testimonies: Episode 646

Published: June 18, 2020, 10 a.m.

How to love our non-Christian friends, plus the journey out of gender confusion, and is it time to let a love interest go? Featured musical artist: James Peden Roundtable: Loving Non-Christian Friends Is it possible to have a genuine friendship with a person we disagree with spiritually? Jesus himself was called a “friend of sinners,” yet He preached a bold message of repentance that was exclusive in its claims. Our guests tell stories of having honest conversations (and some arguments) with non-Christian friends, and what it truly means to love someone, even when you disagree. Culture: Leaving the Transgender Life For Walt Heyer and KathyGrace Duncan, the topic of transgenderism is deeply personal. For eight years, Walt lived as a woman, and for 11 years, KathyGrace identified as a man. God transformed their hearts through his Word and the love of several Christian friends. The journey out wasn’t easy, but Walt and KathyGrace recount their stories for us with confidence and clarity. Guests: Walt Heyer and KathyGrace Duncan Inbox: Is It Time to Let Go? He’s interested in dating her, but he’s been away and they haven’t seen each other in months. He tried reaching out via social media, but the conversation has gone nowhere. Should he try to pick things up when he returns, or is it time to move on? Lisa Anderson responds with some practical advice.