The Power of Touch: Episode 648

Published: July 2, 2020, 10 a.m.

Appreciating denominational differences, plus the role of touch in human interaction, and what to do when parents get in the way of a relationship. Featured musical artist: Danen Kane Roundtable: Denominational Differences The church is about Christ and His relationship with His people, but sometimes it feels like it’s more about worship music and preaching styles. Division and bickering seem to define interdenominational interactions. Our guests, who come from a variety of denominations, talk about how to navigate conversations with those who have different church experiences than your own. Culture: Physical Touch in the Church Lore Ferguson Wilbert had traumatic childhood experiences with touch that influenced her feelings on the subject. Her impressions have also been shaped through her relationships both in singleness and now marriage. She explores the value of human touch and how it should be used in healthy and positive ways in the church, especially for single adults who are often deprived of it. Inbox: His girlfriend’s parents are opposed to his relationship with their daughter, but he feels their reasons are unfounded. Out of respect he has tried speaking with them, but it only seems to aggravate the situation. Tim Sanford weighs in on how to deal with harsh parental opposition.