Overcoming Summer FOMO: Episode 805

Published: July 6, 2023, 6 a.m.


Don\\u2019t feel left out this summer, plus a conversation on self-control, and breaking up with a friend who isn\\u2019t good for you.


Featured musical artist: All Sons & Daughters


Roundtable: Left Out of Summer Fun?


You\\u2019re going about your summer and having a good time \\u2014 until you discover some of your friends planned an event but didn\\u2019t invite you. Now that you think about it, a lot of things seem to be happening without you\\u2026at least if Instagram has anything to say about it. How do you respond? This week we talk about what makes us feel left out and how we can craft a contented summer regardless of who\\u2019s doing what.\\xa0 \\xa0


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Culture: Learning Self-Control (Part 1)


You started the year with good intentions, but they were short-lived. Now more than halfway through 2023, all of your goals, resolutions, and \\u201cI\\u2019ll do betters\\u201d have fallen by the wayside. Fortunately, author Drew Dyck is here to help. He\\u2019s consulted both the Bible and brain science to find out why self-control is so hard, but also how we can strategically build the muscle to help us form good habits that will go the distance. In part one of our conversation, Drew extols the virtues of self-control, explains why willpower isn\\u2019t enough by itself, and how a conversation with his wife helped him take some personal inventory. \\xa0


\\xa0Your Future Self Will Thank You: Secrets to Self-Control from the Bible and Brain Science


Inbox: When a Friend Isn\\u2019t Good for You


You\\u2019re noticing that a friendship isn\\u2019t bringing out the best in you, and you\\u2019re wondering: Is it time to cut ties? Counselor Kari Aho weighs in.
