Masculine Instincts: Episode 775

Published: Dec. 8, 2022, 10 a.m.


Are you a planner or more spontaneous? Plus, five instincts of masculinity, and is it normal to be regularly annoyed at your boyfriend?

Featured musical artist: Hollyn\\xa0

Roundtable: Structure or Spontaneity?\\xa0

While some people map out their daily routines, others prefer to be more \\u201coff the cuff\\u201d and ready for anything. Each tendency has strengths and weaknesses. Our panelists share their unique approaches to life, how they both maximize and guard their temperaments, and how they flex to accommodate those who are different.

Culture: 5 Masculine Instincts and What They Mean

What does it mean to embrace godly masculinity? Pastor Chase Replogle has written \\u201cThe 5 Masculine Instincts\\u201d to explore this topic. Listen in as he and Lisa break down the manifestations of sarcasm, adventure, ambition, reputation and apathy in men \\u2014 how they are not necessarily sinful, yet how they can go awry. Most importantly, Chase will show us what it looks like to submit each instinct to the Lord.

Get the book "The 5 Masculine Instincts: A Guide to Becoming a Better Man" for your donation of any amount:

Inbox: She\\u2019s Annoyed With Her Boyfriend

She and her boyfriend have been together for almost two years, yet she finds herself regularly annoyed at him. Is this normal? Her friends tell her that annoyances get worse once you get married. Counselor Elaine Humphries weighs in.
