Making Women Feel Safe: Episode 754

Published: July 14, 2022, 10 a.m.


How women experience safety with men, plus leaving an abusive relationship, and navigating political differences in dating.

Featured musical artist: David Dunn ( )

Roundtable: How Women Experience Relational Safety

For women, safety is very important. Not just physical safety, but emotional, spiritual and relational safety. But what does this look like in everyday life? This week\\u2019s guests share what makes them feel safe when they interact with guys. They\\u2019ll also discuss how they feel when a man isn\\u2019t a safe person, and some cues for discerning the difference.

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Culture: Leaving an Abusive Relationship

Sadly, many people face the reality of an abusive relationship. Some are in toxic situations and don\\u2019t even know it. What are the signs, and is there a way and a time to get out? Counselors Glenn Lutjens and Jenny Coffey offer hope to those suffering abuse, whether manipulation, gaslighting, physical, emotional or spiritual. In this conversation they define the difference between an abuser and an everyday jerk, what to do in an abusive situation, and how you can support a friend who\\u2019s currently being abused.

Inbox: When Dating and Politics Don\\u2019t Mix

He\\u2019s dating a girl, and they\\u2019re both serious about their faith. But he\\u2019s curious if it\\u2019s important for them to agree on political and social issues that aren\\u2019t explicitly addressed in Scripture. How should they talk about it, if indeed they have a disagreement? Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
