Independence While Dating: Episode 799

Published: May 25, 2023, 12:10 p.m.


Dating without losing yourself, plus Dr. Greg Smalley on preparing for a great marriage, and when does a relationship reach the \\u201cserious\\u201d stage?


Featured musical artist:\\xa0 Stu Garrard


Roundtable: Don\\u2019t Lose Yourself in Dating


It happens all the time: Two people fall in love \\u2014 then go MIA. You don\\u2019t see them except when they\\u2019re together (if that). But it\\u2019s not healthy to lose yourself in another person at any stage, so how can we encourage a healthier approach to dating? What are appropriate boundaries and rhythms to keep in mind? Our guests have walked the dating journey with ups and downs in this area, and they\\u2019ll offer ideas for enjoying and getting to know another person without losing your independence.


Culture: Preparing for Your Future Marriage (Part 1)\\xa0


Many singles dream of finding a spouse. But after that comes\\u2026marriage. Marriage is fantastic, but not easy. Are there things to learn before marriage that will set you up for better success in marriage? To help frame our perspective on what makes marriage work, Dr. Greg Smalley instructs us how to think about love from a godly perspective. In part one of our conversation, he\\u2019ll address the principles of commitment, seeking God, and honoring your significant other.


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Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage Podcast


Inbox: When Does a Relationship Become \\u201cSerious\\u201d?\\xa0


He\\u2019s not been in a serious dating relationship before, but recently started chatting with a girl who lives 1,300 miles away. He\\u2019s planning to visit her soon and sees her as someone he could date. But he\\u2019s wondering: When does a relationship reach the \\u201cserious\\u201d stage, and what does he need to know in light of that? Lisa Anderson weighs in.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0


Boundless Guides to Marrying Well\\xa0
