Far-Away Friends: Episode 667

Published: Nov. 12, 2020, 10 a.m.

Maintaining a long-distance friendship, plus marriage advice from 1 Corinthians 13, and when COVID-19 triggers anxiety and OCD.  Featured musical artist: Vertical Church Roundtable: Long-Distance Friendships You used to be great friends. But life happened, one of you moved away, and now you’ve drifted apart. You miss spending time together and interacting face-to-face. Is it possible to stay close friends with someone even across cities, states or continents? Our guests share the strategies and struggles of long-distance friendships. Listen in for helpful ways to balance local friends and far-away friends, plus tips on being a good friend in general.    Culture: Preparing for a Great Marriage It’s easy to daydream about your wedding day, but how often do you think intentionally about life-long commitment? Well, what better way to get ready for a strong marriage than to hear from someone who’s lived it? Bob Lepine, pastor and co-host of “FamilyLife Today,” talks from 1 Corinthians 13 about the ups and downs in marriage, what he says most in premarital counseling, and what it means to truly love your spouse.  Inbox: COVID-19, Anxiety and OCD With all the chaos in our world today, our listener is struggling to deal with her anxiety and OCD, especially regarding her fear of getting COVID. She’s reading her Bible, but still feels out of control. What can she do to calm her soul? Pastor Mark Bates weighs in with encouragement and insight.