Don’t Judge Me: Episode 643

Published: May 28, 2020, 10 a.m.

Practicing discernment in relationships, plus why the elderly matter to us and God, and is a no-kids preference a dating dealbreaker? Featured musical artist: About a Mile Roundtable: Are You Discerning or Judgmental? Reading other people is a key to building healthy relationships. Without proper discernment, it’s impossible to find and keep trustworthy friends. But what’s the difference between being wisely discerning and unfairly judgmental? What are the right qualities to hold out for? Our guests share examples of being both the victim and perp in unfair character assessments, and how to best examine your own heart around others. Culture: Esteeming the Elderly One of the best ways to honor our relatives and friends — and in doing so, honor God — is to care for them as they age. Whether it’s a simple act like running an errand, or spending time listening to and learning from them, or perhaps full-time caregiving when it comes to that, helping an aging loved one is a difficult yet rewarding journey. Isabel Tom has worked with senior citizens for many years, including her own grandparents who lived with her. Her stories are inspiring reminders of how we can find our greatest joy through loving and serving the elders around us. Inbox: Will They Part Ways Over the Kid Issue? She doesn’t want children, but her boyfriend really wants to raise a family. Is this a deal-breaker in their relationship? Counselor Wendy Brown provides some helpful insights.