Cross-Cultural Dating: Episode 786

Published: Feb. 23, 2023, 10 a.m.


Advice for dating someone from a different culture, plus finding godly and gifted pastors, and do mental health issues make marriage off-limits?\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0

The Focused Pastor

Featured musical artist:\\xa0 Danen Kane \\xa0\\xa0

Roundtable: Cultural Differences in Dating

What are some things you should know when dating someone from a different cultural background? To help answer this question and address some dos and don\\u2019ts for the process, our panelists are ready to speak the truth. With personal experience in making cross-cultural relationships work, they\\u2019ll share their own stories of meeting and falling in love, the most common barriers they had to overcome, and why an open mind and an appreciation for healthy differences makes marriage even richer.

Culture: What Makes a Good Pastor?

Josh Zeichik\\u2019s job is to support, equip and encourage pastors. In this role, he rubs shoulders with seasoned pastors, new pastors, visionary pastors, and pastors just trying to stay afloat in a world of increasingly challenging ministry. Josh tells us the signs of a healthy pastor, plus the red flags you\\u2019ll find flying around those who probably shouldn\\u2019t be leading a church. He\\u2019ll also share how to best get to know and support your pastor, and what you should expect from a shepherd leader.

Inbox: Do Mental Health Issues Mean I Shouldn\\u2019t Marry?

She\\u2019s very much aware that the Bible says, \\u201cThose who marry will face many troubles in this life.\\u201d So does that mean that with her mental health challenges she should steer clear of marriage and avoid throwing fuel on the fire? Counselor Tim Sanford weighs in.

Link to Counseling Service
