Christian Leaders and Moral Failure (Part 1): Episode 694

Published: May 20, 2021, 10 a.m.


The importance of attraction in dating, plus pastors discuss how to respond when a Christian leader falls, and navigating post-college regrets.

Featured musical artist: Ecclesia

Roundtable: The Importance of Attraction

How attracted should you be to the person you\\u2019re dating? Does chemistry have to be there right away, or can you wait for it to grow? If so, how long do you wait before throwing in the towel? Attraction is a multi-layered thing that goes beyond liking the way someone looks. Our panel of married folks talks about how important physical attraction and chemistry was in the stages of their relationships, and gives advice for daters on what you need to know about gauging attraction in your own romantic journey.

Culture: When a Pastor or Christian Leader Falls (Part 1)

It\\u2019s become an all-too-common headline: another pastor caught in a scandal \\u2014 whether sexual, financial, an abuse of power, or some other egregious failure. For certain followers, the news is so devastating, they walk away from the church. The rest of us are left to ask: What do I do? Are there any faithful leaders left? Can I trust my own pastor, or will he be next? We brought in a panel of pastors to answer the hard questions. In part one this week, they\\u2019ll talk about their own experiences with the effects of church scandals, and they\\u2019ll address the all-important question: Why does this stuff happen in the first place?

Inbox: Did I Waste My College Years?

She recently talked with her girlfriends about their time in college. As the conversation rolled on, they all felt like they had missed some great opportunities back then with dating, ministry outreach and developing deep friendships. How can she let go of these feelings of regret and move on? Lisa Anderson offers hope and advice.
