Big Questions for God: Episode 769

Published: Oct. 27, 2022, 10 a.m.


Asking God honest questions, plus Dr. Bob Paul shares landmark relationship advice, and encouragement for 30-something single men.

Featured musical artist:\\xa0 Love and the Outcome

Roundtable: My Biggest God Questions

Since none of us are God, it\\u2019s normal to have questions about who He is, what He\\u2019s thinking, and what He\\u2019s up to today and, well \\u2014 forever. Some questions are lighthearted, but others are serious and have big implications. Our guests share questions they\\u2019ve had about God, ones they still have, and where some safe places are to get them answered.

Culture: Foundational Tools for Healthy Relationships (Part 1)\\xa0

As the leader of Focus on the Family\\u2019s Hope Restored program, Dr. Bob Paul regularly conducts four-day marriage intensives where he counsels couples who are on the brink of divorce. Lisa Anderson had the opportunity to observe an intensive and says, \\u201cHope Restored is doing great work for marriages in crisis, but in my opinion, every unmarried person should go through this incredible program.\\u201d Learn why Lisa speaks so strongly of Hope Restored as she interviews Bob about the foundational lessons he teaches couples and how they can benefit your own personal growth and relationships. In part one, Bob discusses the importance of safety in relationships, and why boundaries are so important.

Receive the book \\xa09 Lies That Will Destroy Your Marriage: And the Truths That Will Save It and Set It Free\\xa0\\xa0

Inbox: Hope for Single Men in Their 30s

He\\u2019s in his mid-30s and is struggling to find a potential spouse. Even though he\\u2019s tried online dating, it\\u2019s only resulted in a few dates. The waiting is difficult and he\\u2019s getting more and more discouraged. Is there hope for him? Counselor Glenn Lutjens weighs in. \\xa0
