Biblical Submission in Marriage (Part 2): Episode 705

Published: Aug. 5, 2021, 10 a.m.


Part two on living out Ephesians 5 in marriage, plus building a godly marriage from scratch, and potential disconnects on sexual sin.\\xa0\\xa0

Featured musical artist: Kerrie Roberts

Roundtable: What Biblical Submission Should Look Like (Part 2)

Submission is a touchy subject, and people can get pretty heated talking about it. If you\\u2019ve ever wondered what the Bible really says about submission or what biblical submission should look like in a marriage, listen to this conversation. Our panel discusses these questions and more, bringing their wisdom and sometimes hilarious personal experiences to the table.\\xa0\\xa0

Culture: Preparing for a Great Marriage (Part 1)\\xa0

It\\u2019s easy to enter marriage with rose-colored glasses; hopes are high and everything is so exciting. But what if real love has little to do with feelings? Diane and Roger Ingolia have been married for 44 years and have counseled many couples about what it means to love your spouse with a Christ-like love. In part 1 of our conversation, they\\u2019ll share from their own dating journey plus some of the wisdom they\\u2019ve given to couples during pre-marital counseling.\\xa0\\xa0

Inbox: Navigating Confusing Sexual Convictions

She\\u2019s been talking with him online for a few months, and he seems like a good Christian guy. However, he\\u2019s admitted he wasn\\u2019t taught that pre-marital sex is a sin, and he was sexually active in other dating relationships. Should these be reasons to cut off communication or not?\\xa0 Counselor Geremy Keeton weighs in.
